Intelligent Loans can provide a range of specialist lending products for your clients. To find out more about our products and services, please click on the relevant link below or contact one our dedicated account managers on 0845 263 7350.
Second Charge Loans
Our experienced team are on hand to answer any second charge capital raising enquiries. Call a member of our experienced team to find out about our market leading commission structure and how we are different to the rest.
Bridging Loans
At Intelligent Loans we aim to provide the best and most flexible service possible, placing great emphasis on being fair, open and honest in all of our dealings. If you're looking for property finance, there are so many reasons to choose Intelligent Loans.
Specialist Buy-To-Let
Many lenders will not consider a buy-to-let mortgage application if the circumstances surrounding your client's property are not straightforward. In this instance, you may need to recommend a specialist buy to let mortgage. Access to specialist buy-to-let lenders can be highly restricted for intermediaries. Intelligent Loans is an approved packager with access to a range of lenders and products to suit your client's needs.